Tuesday, September 13, 2011

To make up for all those words in the last post ...

After reading all the words in my last post, you deserve a break (you did read them, didn't you?), here are some pics from around my neighbourhood ...
In case you can't read the tag: "FREE  FREE", just in case one "FREE" is not enough.
I speak to the trees, and the trees, well, they try to pick up girls ...
'Nuff said, I think.
What to do with the *rest* of the bag of marshsmallows when you've eaten enough.
One of the cheeriest bumper stickers I've ever seen.
You're probably tired after all that clicking ... this way to the iced tea. 

1 comment:

celeste said...

it's like you are at the other end of the room. i *love* this post!