Saturday, February 02, 2013

From deepest darkest space, it's ...

Somebody had *way* too much fun designing this SF pulp fiction cover creator over at Thrilling Tales of the Downright Unusual. There are so many eye-popping image and text options that you could spend all day tweaking and and grooving on the grungy goodness, but it's so easy-peasy that it took me a whole two minutes to create this fabulous retro-fun image to celebrate my return to blogging. SF geekiness meets design smarts in the blazingly fast world of the internets. Big props to my brother for pointing me to this addictive little tool ~ it's way cool.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Was just looking through Google Image results for Pulp-O-Mizer and noticed you chose the same combination of foreground and background images that I did.

I chose the woman with the rope because I felt she looks more like a human being and less like a walking cliche compared to most of the other characters on offer. And I'm not into hardware-driven fiction.

The background wasn't my first choice, but I wanted something minimalist to suggest a writer capable of subtlety, and of those that qualified, it provided the best balance given my other choices.